Vanilla Changes and New Mechanics

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The Ascent of Isaac: Godmode modifies a few key components of vanilla gameplay, and aLeo adds a few additional mechanics to be mindful of.

Vanilla Changes

Treasure Room Limit

With this mod installed, if a Treasure.pngTreasure Room contains multiple items, you are free to pick them all unless there is a Golden Scale.png Golden Scale.

Alt Path Treasure Room

In the Alt Path, there is a configurable option to be able to take both items in each Treasure.pngTreasure Rooms to account for the item scaling in the regular path.

Miniboss Rewards

Defeating any Mini-Boss Room.png miniboss grants an additional new reward, randomly being any of the following sets of drops:

Note that this additional reward also applies to Krampus.png Krampus fights.

Enemy Health Scaling

On HardIndicator.png Hard difficulty, all enemies and bosses below a base max health gain max health depending on a configurable multiplier that gradually gets applied the deeper you are into a run. On Normal difficulty and Greed Mode Indicator.png Greed Mode, there is no health scaling applied anywhere.

By default, the ceiling on max health that gets scaled is 3000 (meaning enemies or bosses with this amount of base health or more do not have scaling applied). The scales are set at the following:

Difficulty Enemy Type Scaling
HardIndicator.png Hard Enemies 200%
HardIndicator.png Hard Bosses 230%
Greedier Mode Indicator.png Greedier Enemies 150%
Greedier Mode Indicator.png Greedier Bosses 180%

For example, a Gaper will have 15 health in The Basement, but have 30 health in The Void on Hard difficulty. However, Hush will still have 6666 health because Hush's base health is greater than 3000. Just about every enemy has HP scaling applied to it with a few exceptions, noted here:

  • Hush
  • ??? (Hush form)
  • Ultra Greed
  • Delirium
  • Mega Satan
  • Mother
  • Dogma
  • The Beast
  • Gutted Fatty
  • Gaper Lvl 2
  • Charger Lvl 2
  • Shady
  • Tainted Pooter
  • Tainted Hive
  • Tainted Boomfly
  • Tainted Hopper
  • Tainted Spity
  • Tainted Round Worm
  • Tainted Tube Worm
  • Tainted Sucker
  • Tainted Soy Creep
  • Tainted Sub Horf
  • Tainted Faceless
  • Tainted Mole
  • Mom
  • Great Gideon

Blue Womb Rework

The Blue Womb.png Blue Womb has a toggleable rework, replacing the 4 Golden Chests with a Pile of Keys.png Pile of Keys (8) divided by the number of players in the run (i.e. Jacob and EsauHead.pngJacob and Esau spawns two Pile of Keys (4)).

To capitalize on the ability to enter red rooms on this stage, each red room has a high likelihood of being one of the following types of rooms (in addition to the default chances of getting a special room):

  • A random enemy encounter
  • A Golden Chest with a random enemy encounter
  • A Red Room with items for sale

Each Red Room will grant between 0 to 2 link = Keys to keep on expanding the stage, which can be added to your Pile of Keys. This is dependant on the type of red room, with random enemy encounters having the highest likelihood to grant 2 Cracked Keys while the Shop.png Shops have the lowest likelihood of granting more Cracked Keys.

Most Red Rooms have 1 Cracked Key that has a 50% chance to be replaced by a Wikihover Fly.png Fly enemy instead.

Various Resprites

With this mod installed, some components of the game have been resprited. These include:

Keepah !!!


Keepah is the new friendly (if we can call that friendly) face of the Shop.png Shop Room, selling the now dead residents' goods. He will react to what is currently happening in the room (including Isaac buying something or Greed crashing the party). This fella doesn't impact your gameplay and can be deactivated trough the Mod Config Menu.

Tainted Lost

Tainted LostHead.pngTainted Lost has a toggleable starting Active Item, Wikihover Moms wish.png Mom's Wish.

New Mechanics

Gilded Chance

This is the chance for a pickup to be turned into its golden variant (golden bomb, golden key,...). While traversing the stage, this chance will decrease by 1% for every uncleared, new room you enter. Only certain items affect this chance, namely:

Faithless Heart.png Faithless Heart

Faithless Heart is a new heart type acting as a temporary link = Heart. They cannot be picked up and are related to Call of The Void. Two Faithless Hearts get removed every floor.

Call of The Void


Countdown Mechanic

Call of the Void is a new configurable stage mechanic implemented to give the player a sense of urgency throughout the run. This mechanic now only kicks in after the first floor. At the beginning of each floor, a countdown is initialized (defaulting to 4:00 minutes) and will begin counting down while the player is in a cleared room (except for Arcades and Bedrooms; in these rooms as well as while enemies are active in an uncleared room, the timer will pause). Once this timer reaches 0, Call of the Void will gain 4 charges and, if not already active, will spawn in the current room. Call of the Void cannot be outrun and persists between rooms and floors, and will continue to chase the player until its charges are emptied.

An animated timer showing the countdown for Call of the Void
The timer sprite for the Call of the Void countdown.
The displayed remaining charges for Call of the Void
The ingame visual noting how many charges Call of the Void has remaining.

Call of the Void Charges

Every 5 seconds while active, Call of the Void will check for any active charges based on (FloorsExisted), which is a counter that increases every time the Call of the Void countdown reaches 0 while Call of the Void is active. If the current number of active charges is less than this, then Call of the Void will summon a charge.

Call of the Void charges are projectile entities that will permanently chase the player by periodically creating bursts of movement. On collision with the player, the charge is destroyed, Call of the Void loses 1 charge, and the player is granted one Faithless Heart.pngFaithless Heart.

Call of the Void will continue to follow the player until its charges are 0, at which point it will despawn for the rest of the floor and (FloorsExisted) will be reset to 0. However, if the player enters a new stage while Call of the Void is active, any active charges will be destroyed and Call of the Void will continue to follow the player if it has any charges remaining. This is the only situation where (FloorsExisted) will increment, allowing additional charges to be active at a time.

Stream of Consciousness

While Call of the Void is active, a random non-special room is selected to spawn a StreamOfConsciousness.pngStream of Consciousness. This is a pickup that, when used, decreases the player's Damage and Fire rate by 5% for the stage and destroys all active charges. This can be used to trade Faithless Hearts for temporary stat downs, in the event that is preferable. When used, another random non-special room is selected to spawn a Stream of Consciousness until Call of the Void's charges are 0.

To make sure that you are using the pickup to its fullest capability, make sure there is at least 1 active Call of the Void charge when you use it. If there are no active charges, Stream of Consciousness will only grant an unnecessary temporary stat down.

Call of the Void Strategy

Call of the Void is easily preventable as long as you take time to explore the floor while you are discovering it, rather than backtracking at the end. In the event that you take too long in a stage and Call of the Void spawns, you can decide if you want to take the stat down or if you want to take the Faithless Hearts. The charges are easy enough to dodge, and Call of the Void deals no contact damage. It is very similar to Tainted Jacob's Dark Esau mechanic, where it is just an additional attack pattern to manage.

If Call of the Void has 0 charges remaining and more than 0 active charges, descending to the next stage will cause Call of the Void and all active charges to despawn, but will not disable the countdown for the new stage. This is another strategy to reduce the penalty for Call of the Void being activated.

The biggest mistake is to let the countdown reach 0 while Call of the Void is active from a previous floor, as this allows it to activate additional charges at a time, which makes dodging them more stressful and less consistent.

Correction Room

The Correction Room is a new configurable room type that can only occur if the player's stat score is below a variable threshold. Inside the room is 4 possible deals, each giving the player an item or stat that they are lacking in in exchange for Faithless Heart.png Faithless Hearts. There is also an option to interact with Call of the Void to reroll the available deals for a scaling amount of Faithless Hearts.

Stat Score

The player's stat score is calculated throughout the run, and is an approximation of the player's "strength" in the current run. The calculation is comprised of many sub-calculations with individual caps. The maximum stat score a player can attain is 60 points, with the breakdown as follows:

Stat Score breakdown
Stat Name Calculation Stat Cap Notes
Damage (damage) / 1.5 15
Firerate (fire rate) / (max fire rate) * 10 10
Luck (luck) / 2.0 5
Range (range) / (tile size) / 4 4 (tile size) is equal to 52.0
Shotspeed (shot speed) * 2.0 3
Speed (move speed) / 2.0 * 5 5
Health ((max red hearts) * ((current red hearts) / (max red hearts)) + (soul hearts) + (eternal hearts) + (bone hearts)) / ((player heart limit) - (broken hearts)) * 9 9
Tearflags Each tear modifier has a point value assigned to it, and each modifier the player has adds that point value to this stat score. 5
Transformation Each transformation has a point value assigned to it, and each transformation the player has adds that point value to this stat score. 4
Quality A scaled version of the average item quality that the player is currently holding. 15
Transformation Point Value
Guppy 2.5
Beelzebub 2.0
Fun Guy 0.1
Seraphim 0.75
Bob 0.2
Spun 1
Mom 0.5
Conjoined 1.5
Leviathan 0.85
Oh Crap 0.5
Book Worm 0.2
Puberty 0.1
Spider Baby 0.15
Stompy 0.25
Celeste 2.5
Cyborg 0.75
Cultist 0.25
Tear Modifier Point Value
Spectral 0.3
Piercing 0.4
Homing 0.5
Slow 0.1
Poison 0.1
Freeze 0.1
Parasite 0.3
Lump of Coal 0.1
Persistent 0.25
Mulligan 0.4
Explosive 0.3
Charming 0.25
Confusing 0.25
Cricket's Body 0.4
Bouncing 0.25
Fear 0.1
Proptosis 0.3
Burn 0.1
Glowing 0.45
Mysterious Liquid 0.2
Shielded 0.5
Explosivo 0.25
Continuum 0.2
Holy Light 0.5
God's Flesh 0.15
Coin Tears 0.1
Glaucoma 0.4
Nose Goblin 0.3
Egg 0.4
Acid 0.1
Bone 0.3
Eye of Belial 0.5
Jacob's Ladder 0.35
Little Horn 0.45
Trisagion 0.2
Skipping Stone 0.1
Burst Split 0.35
Knockout Drops 0.25
Ice tears 0.5
Bait tears 0.2
Eye of the Occult 0.2
Rock tears 0.25
Rift tears 0.3
Spore tears 0.25

Each of these stats values are added together to create the player's stat score. This value is incredibly variable depending on the type of run you are having, but attempts to combine all aspects of what make a run feel strong or weak.

The threshold that the player's stat score needs to be below is equal to the following: (base stat score) * (help threshold) * (current floor enemy HP scale)

The (base stat score) is the average stat score the player had throughout the first stage of the run, meaning based on what you initially find in the first stage your base stat score will be higher or lower than average. The (help threshold) is a configurable percentage, defaulting to 80%. The (current floor enemy HP scale) is the current enemy health modifier for the stage, gradually increasing as the player gets further. Essentially, the player must remain below 80% of a scaled version of their base stat score when entering the next stage to encounter the Correction Room, thus fulfilling the purpose of the room.

Door Hazards

The Door Hazards is a new configurable mechanic. There is a chance that any non-special room door has a visible hazard on it. If Isaac walks through them, he will suffer various bad effects depending on the hazard. Thankfully, Isaac can break those hazards by shooting at the door with his tears.

Door hazards include:

  • Hazard Ghost.png Inflicts fear for X seconds.
  • Hazard Charge.png Isaac loses two active item charges.
  • Hazard Charge Good.png Isaac gains one active item charge.
  • Hazard Vine.png Deals damage.
  • Hazard Web.png Slows down Isaac.
  • Hazard COTV.png Adds one charge to Call of the Void, and instantly spawns it if inactive.