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Gehazi is a character added in The Ascent of Isaac: Godmode.

He is one of the two characters unlocked by default.

He starts the run with a single Black Heart, his gimmick item Wikihover Crown of gold.png Crown of Gold, Wikihover Greeds Gullet.png Greed's Gullet as well as a Wikihover Leprosy orbital.png Leprosy Familiar.

This character rely on having as many coins as possible for survival by focusing on enemies affected by the Midas Freeze effect while taking as few hits as possible to not loose coins.

Abilities & Traits

Crown of Gold + Greed's Gullet

With Greed's Gullet and Crown of Gold, Gehazi gains a new heart container and +1.00 Luck for every 25 coins he has for as long as he can keep them.

Thanksfully Gehazi has a fast and reliable way to get coins thanks to Crown of Gold, which Midas Freeze an enemy in a new, uncleared room for 7.5 seconds. Killing an enemy affected by that status drops coins.

However each time you get hit, Gehazi will loose coins following this formula:

5 * (DamageTaken) + RandomBetween(1,3)

Some of those coins will stays on the ground depending on a random factor while the rest will disappear forever.


ModCompat-button-border.gif With REPENTOGON active, whenever heart containers are lost Gehazi gains 1 Leprosy orbital.



"Money Managements!"

  • Each time you get hit, 2 coins are guaranteed to stay on the ground instead of disappearing.

Unlockable Achievements


  • Gehazi was the servant of the prophet Elisha. Overcome with avarice, he obtained in the prophet's name two talents of silver and two valuable robes from Naaman, a general afflicted with leprosy. Elisha cursed him by giving Leprosy to him and all of his descendants.
