Tainted Gehazi

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Tainted Gehazi is a Tainted character added in The Ascent of Isaac: Godmode.

He can be unlocked by opening the hidden closet in Home.png Home (using Red Key.png, link = https://bindingofisaacrebirth.fandom.com/wiki/Cracked_Key Cracked Key, or Soul of Cain.png Soul of Cain on the left corridor) while playing as GehaziHead.pngGehazi.

He starts the run with three Black Heart and Wikihover Gold stopwatch.png Golden Stopwatch as well as the Wikihovering Broken Magnet.png Broken Magnet vanilla trinket. His main gimmick is about relying on your coins for maximum damage, requiring you to be precise with your shots.

Abilities & Traits

Greed Weaponized

  • Everytime you are in a combat room, Tainted Gehazi's eyes looks like coins and as long as you have Penny.png Coins, your Damage stat increases by 250%.
    • In that state, each shot makes you lose a coin. Tears that get fired while you have coins deal 1/3rd of your damage stat.
    • If the coin projectile lands on an enemy of an interactable you have to shoot at like an explosive barrel, a coin shrouded in black fog drops on the floor, allowing you to pick it back up and deal the remaining 2/3rds of your damage stat, multiplied by however strong the coin is:
      • 66% * 100% for pennies.
      • 66% * 200% for double pennies.
      • 66% * 500% for nickels.
    • A weaker coin will only show up if the stronger coin wasn't selected first, with the odds, in order of selection, below:
Coin odds
Coin Chance Birthright Modifier
Nickel 1% +2% per birthright
Double Penny 10% +10% per birthright
Penny 100%
    • Note: You will only lose 1 penny regardless of what kind of coin spawns, so in an ideal run you will be slowly making money by dealing damage so long as you hit your shots.
  • This behavior is changed when Tainted Gehazi uses Golden Stopwatch:
    • If the room has been turned into gold by Golden Stopwatch, all the projectiles Tainted Gehazi shoots turns back into pennies upon impact, even if the projectiles haven't touched an enemy.

Gehazi Shrine

  • Upon entering a new floor, a Wikihover Gehazi shrine.png Gehazi Shrine spawns in the starting room.
    • Interacting with it drops 20 coins in pennies and nickels on the floor at the cost of giving 3 Faithless Heart.png Faithless Hearts. Perfect for getting more ammunition at a price!


  • The Wikihover Gehazi shrine.png Gehazi Shrine does not disappear when leaving the room, allowing you to go back to get the deal at any time.


"Stronger Taxes"

  • Each coin shots has 2% more chance to turn into a Nickel.png Nickel and 10% more chance to turn into a Double Penny upon impact.

Unlockable Achievements


  • Gehazi was the servant of the prophet Elisha. Overcome with avarice, he obtained in the prophet's name two talents of silver and two valuable robes from Naaman, a general afflicted with leprosy. Elisha cursed him by giving Leprosy to him and all of his descendants.
