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Items are collectibles used to modify Isaac's attributes, grant or modify tear effects, among other things.

The Ascent of Isaac: Godmode Mod adds 90 items overall, separated into 51 passive items, 34 active items, and 4 elusive story related items.

Passive Items

Icon Name Description Effect Quality
Wikihover Angel food.png
Angel Food Forbidden Quality 2.png
Wikihover Piece of cake.png
Birthday Slice All stats up Quality 2.png
Wikihover Bloodpudding.png Blood Pudding This tastes funny...
  • +5.0 Luck.
  • Randomly applies either Curse of the Lost, Unknown, or Maze whenever a stage does not have an active curse.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Brass cross.png Brass Cross You feel blessed Quality 3.png
Wikihover Bubble wand.png Bubble Wand Bubbly Vengeance
  • Spawns a wave of bubbles dealing 100% damage on entering a new uncleared room.
  • More bubbles are spawned based on the amount of Heart.png health missing and how many SoulHeart.png Soul Hearts are held.
  • Bubbles have a 25% chance at 10.0 Luck to spawn larger, bursting into 8 projectiles on popping.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Carrot.png The Carrot Sight up? Quality 2.png
Wikihover Celestial Tail.png Celestial Tail The power of sustainment +3 Keys
  • All regular Keys are now doubled.
  • +50% chance for any chest to become an Eternal Chest.png Eternal Chest.
  • Grants 3 Keys on picking up.
Quality 4.png
Wikihover Celestial Collar.png Celestial Collar The power of life Quality 4.png
Wikihover Crimson syringe.png Crimson Solution Fragile Treatment
  • Grants a random syringe item effect on entering each room.
  • When fatal damage is taken, prevent death once and this item is removed and converted into a Wikihover Broken Syringe.png Broken Syringe trinket.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Bone cross.png Crossbones Break for protection
  • Grants a shield for 3 seconds after killing 4 enemies.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Devils food.png Devil's Food The Lie Quality 2.png
Wikihover Divineapproval.png Divine Approval The heart of gold hurts the most Quality 3.png
Wikihover Divine wrath.png Divine Wrath May your power last a thousand lifetimes
  • Gain +3% Damage when clearing a room without taking damage, up to +100% Damage.
  • When damage is taken:
    • damage all enemies in the room for (current buff %) of their Max Health.
    • The buff percentage is reset to +0% Damage.
Quality 4.png
Wikihover Eaten soul.png Edible Soul He'll come for you when you're gone
  • +1 BlackHeart.png Black Heart.
  • When you would die with no lives remaining, you get revived with the following effects:
    • Gain Flight.
    • 3 Charmed Wikihover Furnace Knight.png Furnace Knights spawn.
    • Health gets set to 1 Black Heart.
    • +3 Broken Heart.pngBroken Hearts.
Quality 4.png
Wikihover Fatal attraction.png Fatal Attraction Go out in your own style
  • +1 BlackHeart.png Black Heart.
  • -3 Heart.png Red health.
  • At the start of each floor, there are 3 options to exchange a 10% buff to one stat for a 7.5% debuff in another stat.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Feather duster.png Feather Duster Cleaning Services Quality 1.png
Wikihover Filthy thoughts.png Forbidden Knowledge Paid fulfillment Quality 3.png
Wikihover Otherworldly treatment.png Foreign Treatment Experimental Outcomes
  • Grants a random stat multiplier to each stat at the start of each stage.
  • Each multiplier is rerolled on entering a new stage, and the more instances of this item held the odds for better multipliers goes up.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Clover.png Four Leaf Clover Luck = Power Quality 3.png
Wikihover Fruit salad.png Fruit Salad Healthy Snack Quality 2.png
Wikihover Gangrene.png
Gangrene Rotten flecks
  • Leave a trail of tears that are 10% of your Damage stat, with a chance for the tear to apply a poison effect.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Gold battery.png Gold Plated Battery Money = Charge
  • Hold the active item button to spend 5 Penny.png Coins on 1 charge of your active item.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Crown of gold.png Crown of Gold Money, money, money!
  • Midas Freeze an enemy in a new, uncleared room for 7.5 seconds.
  • +1.0 Luck for every 25 Penny.png Coins, up to +3.0 Luck at 99 Coins.
  • When damage is taken, money is lost:
5 * (DamageTaken) + RandomBetween(1,3)  
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Golden tampon.png Cloth of Gold Seeping power
  • Evenly splits your damage across all enemies of the same type within the room, and grants +25% damage if Cloth on a String is held.
  • +25% Damage.
  • +25% Gilded chance
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Greedy glance.png Greedy Glance All the eye can see is yours
  • When your tears touch a Bomb.png Bomb, Key.png key or Penny.png Coin, collect the pickup.
  • When your tears touch an unlocked chest, open the chest.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Heartarrest.png Heart Arrest It hurts...
  • Tears up based on empty Heart red empty.png red heart percentage.
  • Tears now fire in a heartbeat pattern.
Quality 1.png
Wikihover Hot potato.png Hot Potato! Hot! Hot! Hot!
  • 3% + 1% per Luck chance to hurl a flaming potato instead of firing a tear. This potato deals (Damage* 1.5 + 5) contact damage and burns for 10% of this damage.
  • The potato then breaks into chunks dealing 10% of the potato's damage each, with each one targeting a nearby enemy within a large radius.
  • The maximum chance to hurl a flaming potato with 1 copy of this item is 20% at 17 luck. However, the maximum chance goes up by 20% per additional copy, at the cost of an additional 20 luck required for max chance. In example, 5 copies of Hot Potato! allows you to reach 100% chance at 97 luck.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Hysteria.png Hysteria Easily overwhelmed
  • +0.05 Fire Delay per living enemy or boss.
  • +0.25 Tears per living boss.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Jack of trades.png Jack-of-all-Trades Become anything Quality 4.png
Wikihover Ladle.png The Ladle Slurp with love!
  • +1 Heart.png Red Heart Container.
  • +0.1 Movement Speed.
  • +0.1 Movement Speed after taking damage, stackable up to 5 times.
  • On entering a new stage, the stackable bonus is reset.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Chiggers.png Larval Therapy My eyes itch
  • +33.3% chance to spawn a Winged Spider when an enemy dies.
    • This is set to +100% if playing RecluseHead.pngRecluse.
  • Winged spiders created this way target the enemy with the highest health and die after applying enough damage.
Quality 1.png
Wikihover Late delivery.png Late Delivery A little later than expected
  • +0.5 Tears.
  • After dealing 2500 damage, an angelic baby familiar will grant a random item from the current room's item pool.
    • This concerns everyone, not just players owning the item.
  • More items can be granted, but at an additional 5000 damage dealt each iteration.
Quality 4.png
Wikihover Marshallscarf.png Marshall Scarf Be strong in the face of evil
  • +0.5 Fire Delay when held before the Womb.png Womb.
  • +0.75 Fire Delay when held within the Womb. +1.0 Fire Delay when held after the Womb.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Morphine.png Morphine I can't feel anything! Quality 3.png
Wikihover Nirvana.png Nirvana The darkness is weakened
  • All enemies spawn with 80% Max Health.
  • This effect can stack.
Quality 4.png
Wikihover Nosebleed.png Nosebleed I think it's stopping!
  • Grants a 150% Damage multiplier whenever a room is entered, gradually fading over the course of 8 seconds.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Party hat.png
Party Hat Join the Party
  • Only shows up if Birthday Mode is activated.
  • Gives you a nice party hat cosmetic.
  • That's pretty much it...
Quality 0.png
Wikihover Prayer mat.png Prayer Mat Clear your mind
  • The first time you stand still for 10 seconds each uncleared room grants you SoulHeart half.png half a soul heart along with a crack the sky, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
Quality 4.png
Wikihover Second thought.png
A Second Thought Time means nothing now Quality 2.png
Wikihover Sharing is caring.png Sharing is Caring We feel invincible!
  • All non-orbital familiars operate 33% faster.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Soft serve.png Soft Serve Spilled Milk + HP Up
  • +1 SoulHeart.png Soul Heart.
  • +2 Additional Soul Hearts if Heart.png Red Health is either full or empty Grants a chance to spawn colored creep on attack, each color with a unique effect.
    • White creep: Freezes enemies.
    • Pink creep: Homes on enemies.
    • Red creep: Applies Bleed to enemies.
    • Light Brown creep: Spawns a Linger Bean cloud if the enemy is killed by the creep.
    • Dark Brown creep: Double damage and size, half range creep.
Quality 4.png
Wikihover Soul food.png Soul Food Good for you Quality 2.png
Wikihover Sugar!.png Sugar! I.. Need.. MORE!
  • Grants small increments of Fire Delay upgrades and Damage multipliers each time it is picked up.
  • -1 link = Red Heart Container.
  • The next three non-quest items you see have a 50% chance to become Sugar!.
Quality 1.png
Wikihover Taenia.png Taenia Brain power up
  • +5 Range.
  • +0.5 Tears.
  • -0.25 Shot Speed.
  • You can create a path for your tears to follow by continuously changing fire directions before releasing all fire keys.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Tampon.png Cloth on a String Seeping Bleeding
  • +5% damage dealt on an enemy for each other instance of the same enemy in the room.
  • +1% chance for any non-quest item to transform into Wikihover Golden tampon.png Cloth of Gold if it is not held by the same player.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Trampofbabylon.png Tramp of Babylon Strength with a cost...
  • Grants a damage multiplier to counteract HP scaling.
  • After taking damage for the first time in a room, monsters are split into two and bosses regain 50% of their missing health.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Whoopcough.png Uncommon Cough I-I-I'm fINE!!
  • Replaces tears with a spurt of tears.
  • 50% of these tears will not share any tear effects collected throughout the run, and each tear deals a modified amount of damage based on its size.
  • Spurts increase in quantity, speed, and distance the longer you hold the fire button.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Vajra.png Vajra Strike down those who break your spirit
  • Strike all enemies with electricity when you take damage, each laser dealing 200% + 10 Damage.
Quality 4.png
Wikihover War banner.png War Banner Wrath = Power +5 Bombs
  • Placing a Bomb.pngBomb spawns a banner that grants a small stat upgrade while you stand in its radius.
  • Grants 5 Bombs on picking up.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Luciferswings.png
Wings of Betrayal Gain with Pain! Quality 1.png

Active Items

Icon Name Charges Description Effect Quality
Wikihover Abrahams blessing.png
Abraham's Map 12 rooms The odds are in your favor!
  • If there is a pedestal item below quality 4 in the room, converts it to a random quality 4 item from any pool.
  • If there is no pedestal items that qualify to be buffed, creates a random item from the current room's item pool instead.
  • You only get 2 uses of this item per instance picked up, once you run out of uses the item is destroyed.
Quality 4.png
Wikihover Adramolechs Blessing.png Adramolech's Blessing 6 rooms Hold to my word and your time shall come
  • Charges negate damage taken.
  • One charge gained for every 4 marked champion enemies killed.
  • +10% chance for marked champions per charge.
  • +10% chance for Devil Room.pngDevil items to be rerolled into a higher quality item.
  • When used, grants a permanent small all stat up.
Quality 4.png
Wikihover Cooler.png Angry Apple Juice 2 rooms What'd I do?
  • Heals every player for Half Red Heart.png Half a Red heart.
  • Grants the user +20% +1.0 Damage for the room.
  • Brief pixilation effect occurs every other second for the duration of the room.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Arcade stub.png Arcade Ticket 4 rooms Game time?
  • If an unentered Arcade Icon.png Arcade Room is on the stage, teleport to it.
  • Otherwise, if used in an arcade:
    • 90% chance to spawn a random pickup/collectible.
    • 10% chance to spawn a Red coin.png red coin.
  • If used outside of an arcade, spawns 1 Penny.png Penny.
Quality 1.png
Wikihover Baptismal cross.png Baptismal Cross 2 rooms Become reborn in the water!
  • Spawn a flurry of tears from the sky above the player, dealing between 50% to 150% damage per tear.
Quality 1.png
Wikihover Black mushroom.png Black Mushroom Unlimited It smells sleepy Quality 2.png
Wikihover Burntdiary.png Burnt Diary 3 rooms As we burn another page
  • On use spawns 5 burning pages, each dealing 30 burn damage and 5 contact damage once.
  • Pages persist until they deal damage, at which point they are destroyed.
Quality 1.png
Wikihover Calendar.png Impending Doom 2 rooms Time is running out for all
  • +1 Broken Heart.pngBroken Heart whenever a new stage is entered.
  • On use: Deals 10 damage or 25% Max Health to all enemies in the room, whichever is greater.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Gold dice.png Cash Dice 4 rooms Reroll your options
  • Selects the nearest item or Shop.png shop item.
  • If it is a shop item, splits it into two new shop items.
  • If it is not a shop item, converts the item into a shop item for sale.
  • Can be used up to 5 times in 1 room.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Celestial Paw.png Celestial Paw 12 rooms Slash them in your soul
  • On use:
    • -1 Heart.png Red Heart Container.
    • All non-boss enemies are converted to SoulHeart half.png half a soul heart.
    • Boss enemies are dealt damage equal to 25% of their Max Health.
      • If they are killed by this, they also get converted to half a Soul Heart.
Quality 4.png
Wikihover Protection.png Dad's Balloon time rooms 4 s It doesn't hold water very well
  • On use, does one of the following randomly:
    • Spawn a pool of Wikihover Holy Water.png Holy Water creep.
    • Fire a ring of 4, 8 or 16 tears.
Quality 1.png
Wikihover Diya lamp.png Diya 8 rooms Evil spirits, wane!
  • On use, permanently applies weakness to nearby enemies.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Dragon fruit.png Dragon Fruit 6 rooms You feel stronger
  • On use:
    • Heals Half Red Heart.png Half a Red Heart for all players.
    • Grants a random medium, temporary stat buff.
    • Buffs the effects of Fruit.png Fruits stat buffs.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Fuzzydice.png Fuzzy Dice 2 rooms A collectible! Quality 2.png
Wikihover Ghanta.png Ghanta Unlimited Ring for protection Quality 1.png
Wikihover Anguishjar.png Anguish Jar 12 rooms Let it all out!
  • Creates a controllable Hush Laser, dealing 40 damage per tick.
    • This laser persists between rooms and lasts for roughly 10 seconds.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Maxs head.png Blaze's Head Unlimited I wish.. Quality 1.png
Wikihover Odd dice.png Odd Dice 2 rooms Reroll your destiny?
  • Rerolls items in the room.
  • 33% chance to hide a rerolled item.
  • +10% chance after each use for the Odd Dice to break into 2 Dice Shard.png Dice Shards.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Opia.png Opia 6 rooms Feel their soul
  • On use, throw your soul into an enemy to possess that enemy for the room, charming all instances of that enemy and appearing as that enemy for the room.
Quality 4.png
Wikihover Papal cross both.png Papal Cross 12 rooms True command
  • Teleports the player to a special Angel Room.png Angel or Devil Room.png Devil Room, depending on the current state of the item.
  • This room has enemies but a free Angel Room.png Angel/Devil Room.png Devil item (and a second for those with debug or Blessing of Patience).
    • Papal cross holy.png When holy: the lower your Angel room chance is, the more likely it gets converted to the unholy variant.
    • Evilpapal cross.png When unholy: 50% chance to be destroyed, otherwise the same chance as your Angel room chance to be rerolled into the holy variant.
Quality 4.png
Wikihover Portable confessional.png Portable Confessional 6 rooms Atone at home!
  • On use, hurts the player for Half Red Heart.png Half a Red Heart.
  • When an Angel Room.png Angel Room is entered, fully charges the item.
  • If used with Broken Heart.pngBroken Hearts in an Angel Room, removes 3 Broken Hearts and destroys the item.
  • If used in an Angel Room without Broken Hearts or outside of an Angel Room, spawns 1 SoulHeart.png Soul Heart.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Quran.png Qur'an 6 rooms Cleanse your soul Quality 3.png
Wikihover Radiance orb.png Radiance Orb time rooms 12 s Show them the light
  • Creates a ring of spectral, piercing, godhead tears that rotate around you for a period of time inflicting 200% + 20.0 Damage each on contact.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Saint book.png Book of Saints 12 rooms Look up to the hearts of gold Quality 3.png
Wikihover Seraphim horn.png Seraphim Warhorn 12 rooms They hear your call
  • Summons a charmed Bloody Uriel.png Bloody Uriel to assist you for the duration of the room.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Tecpatl.png Tecpatl Unlimited Loss = Life Quality 2.png
Wikihover Trophy of power.png
Child's Trophy It's complicated 2 floors Prove your strength to them
  • Activates a 600% Damage multiplier and +3 Tears when used for the duration of the room.
Quality 1.png
Wikihover Fractal key.png
Fractal Key time rooms 1 s Life unlocked
  • When used, grants 1 Broken Heart.pngBroken Heart and 1 Faithless Heart.png Faithless Heart as well as following this formula for a chance to replace pickups with a golden variant (called Gilded chance):
    • N = total number of uses
    • X = granted chance
    • if N <= 0: 0%
    • if N < 5: 10% - (N - 1) * 2%
    • if N >= 5: 5% / (N - 3)
  • So in example, total chance to replace a pickup is as follows per use: - (10% -> 20% -> 28% -> 34% -> ...<39%)
  • While held, all golden pickups are replaced with 3 random versions of that pickup.
    • if another golden one is rolled without this bonus, this could lead to a chain reaction but the chance this item grants does not apply to this split.
  • The chance that this item grants will decrease by 1% for each new room entered. When you re-use the item, the chance that will be added will be the compounded chance (similar to the way that fruit stat buffs work).
  • If using this item would kill the player via broken/faithless hearts, instead turns this item into the Wikihover Inverse key.png Inverse Keyand causes the player to explode.
Quality 4.png
Wikihover Inverse key.png
Inverse Key time rooms 1 s Life restored
  • When used, sets your Gilded chance to 0%. Whatever your Gilded chance was before this reset will dictate how strong the effects of this item are.
  • When used at 100% Gilded chance, removes 8 Broken hearts and 8 Faithless hearts from the user. When used at 0% chance, removes none of each.
    • Each 12.5% of Gilded chance grants 1 more Broken and Faithless heart removed.
  • In addition to this reset, this item turns back into the Fractal Key and the player explodes.
  • While held, all golden pickups are replaced with 3 random versions of that pickup (if another golden one is rolled without this bonus, this could lead to a chain reaction but the chance this item grants does not apply to this split).
  • The chance that this item grants will decrease by 0.5% for each new room entered. When you re-use the item, the chance will go back to full strength (similar to the way that fruit stat buffs work).
Quality 4.png

Familiars Items

Icon Name Description Effect Quality
Wikihover Fallen guard.png
Fallen Guard The heat has marked you
  • Summons a mini Wikihover Furnace Knight.png Furnace Knight to fight for you, dealing 15% + 1.3 Damage each tick.
  • The longer he is on an enemy, the faster and more accurate he locks on to them.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Fruit fly.png Fruit Flies They've got the good stuff
  • Summons 3 Wikihover Fruit fly entity.pngFruit Flies to grow with you. Each room clear, each fly gains a stacking 3% chance to burst into a random fruit, spawning a sleeping baby Fruit Fly.
  • Sleeping Fruit Flies will wake up after 2 rooms.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Holychalice.png Holy Chalice Give me the strength to fight
  • Stackable +10% Damage per room cleared without taking damage, up to +40% Damage.
  • Resets to +0.0 Damage when damage is taken. The cup fills up more based on the current bonus.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Pairofcans.png
Pair of Cans I hear mommy!
  • Grants 4 orbital familiars at the start of each room that each block 1 projectile.
Quality 1.png

Quest Items (Spoilers)

Icon Name Description Effect Quality
Wikihover Blood Key.png
Blood Key Your fate is sealed Quality 0.png
Wikihover Purity vessel 0.png Vessel of Purity Reveal the truth from within
  • If retained after the first phase of Angelusossa.pngThe Fallen Light is defeated, grants access to a hidden phase of The Fallen Light and modifies The Sign's starting stats.
  • If damaged while fighting The Fallen Light: Explodes, turning into Wikihover Purity vessel 1.png Cracked Vessel of Purity.
Quality 0.png
Wikihover Purity vessel 1.png Cracked Vessel of Purity Reveal the truth from within
  • If retained after the first phase of Angelusossa.pngThe Fallen Light is defeated, grants access to a hidden phase of The Fallen Light and modifies The Sign's starting stats.
  • If damaged while fighting The Fallen Light: Explodes, turning into Wikihover Purity vessel 2.png Bloodied Vessel of Purity.
  • +0.5 Tears.
  • +1.0 Damage.
Quality 0.png
Wikihover Purity vessel 2.png
Bloodied Vessel of Purity Reveal the truth from within
  • If retained after the first phase of Angelusossa.pngThe Fallen Light is defeated, grants access to a hidden phase of The Fallen Light and modifies The Sign's starting stats.
  • If damaged while fighting The Fallen Light: Explodes and gets destroyed, losing access to the hidden phase of The Fallen Light.
  • +1.0 Tears.
  • +3.0 Damage.
Quality 0.png

Tainted Characters Starting Active Items

Icon Name Charges Description Effect Quality
Wikihover Moms wish.png
Mom's Wish It's complicated 1 floor Fulfill her dreams
  • When used as Tainted LostHead.pngTainted Lost, spawns a Holy Card.png Holy Card and grants a permanent -5% all stats down.
  • When used as a character other than Tainted Lost, spawns a SoulHeart.png Soul Heart on use. Charges once per stage.
Quality 1.png
Wikihover Deli delusion.png Delusion time rooms 3.75 s Reassociate
  • Converts your delirious eyes into a delirious halo and transforms into Wikihover Deli oblivion.png Oblivion.
  • The delirious halo will negate damage taken, closing the following quantity of eyes:

ceil(1.5 * DamageTaken)

  • While your halo is up: +2.5% Range per Delirious Eye.
Quality 1.png
Wikihover Deli oblivion.png Oblivion time rooms 3.75 s Dissociate
  • Converts your delirious halo into delirious eyes and transforms into Wikihover Deli delusion.png Delusion.
  • While your halo is down:
  • +5% Damage per Delirious Eye.
  • +10% Fire Rate.
  • -20% Range.
Quality 1.png
Wikihover Adramolechs fury.png Adramolech's Fury 12 rooms 100 Hold to my word and your time shall come
  • Charges negate damage taken, losing 20 charge on hit.
  • Each charge grants a small all stats up.
  • 50% chance for each enemy to become a marked champion.
  • Charges either when :
    • a marked champion or any boss dies, converting them into charge based on Max Health.
    • any non Angel Room.png Angel Item is picked up, converting items into charge based on quality.
  • On use, you are teleported to a unique Devil Room.png Devil Room layout, granting 3 free Devil Room.png Devil items with BlackHeart.png Black Hearts and Soul of Isaac.png Soul of Isaac in the room.
Quality 4.png
Wikihover Reclusive tendencies.png Reclusive Tendencies time rooms 12 s They are your friends
  • On use:
    • All small spiders and Winged Spiders are charmed for 10 seconds.
    • Spawns a toxic Winged Spider for each Winged Spider active, dealing damage to the healthiest enemy in the room.
Quality 1.png
Wikihover Vengeful dagger.png
Vengeful Dagger time rooms 4 s Everlasting Wrath
  • When used, throws the dagger in the fire direction or the movement direction if not firing.
  • Each dagger deals 200% Damage, and if the room is re-entered deals an additional 600% Damage when the enemy respawns.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Gold stopwatch.png
Golden Stopwatch 3 rooms Feel the rewards
  • Spawns 5 Penny.png Pennies, makes the room gold.
  • Until you leave the room, each coin shots turns back into coins pickups, no matter if they touched an enemy or not.
Quality 1.png