Sugar Pill Temporary Item Pool

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Item Pool
Normal-Hard.png Normal / Hard Treasure.png Treasure Room Boss Room.png Boss Room Shop.png Shop Curse Room.png Curse Room Devil Room.png Devil Room Angel Room.png Angel Room Secret Room.png Secret Room Library Icon.png Library
Gold Chest Icon.png Golden Chest Red Chest Icon.png Red Chest Crane Game Icon.png Crane Game Rotten Beggar Icon.png Rotten Beggar Ultra Secret Icon.png Ultra Secret Room Planetarium Icon.png Planetarium Beggar Icon.png Beggar Baby Shop Icon.png Baby Shop
Wikihover Pill beggar.png Pill Beggar Wikihover Fruit beggar.png Fruit Beggar Observatory Icon.png Observatory Sugar Pill.png Sugar Pill Temporary Effect
Greed Mode Indicator.png Greed / Greedier Mode Indicator.pngGreedier Treasure.png Treasure Room Shop.png Shop Curse Room.png Curse Room Devil Room.png Devil Room Angel Room.png Angel Room Secret Room.png Secret Room

When Isaac uses a Sugar Pill.png Sugar Pill, he gets a temporary item effect from this pool for the duration of the room.

Passive Items

Icon Name Description Effect Quality
Wikihover Roid Rage.png
Roid Rage Speed and range up Quality 2.png
Wikihover Speed Ball.png Speed Ball Speed + shot speed up Quality 2.png
Wikihover Experimental Treatment.png Experimental Treatment Some stats up, some stats down
  • Increases four random stats and decreases the other two
Quality 1.png
Wikihover Euthanasia.png Euthanasia Needle shot
  • Adds a chance to fire needles that instantly kill basic enemies and deal triple damage to bosses. If a needle kills an enemy, it bursts into more tears/needles.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Brimstone.png Brimstone Blood laser barrage
  • Tears are replaced by a laser beam that pierces through all enemies and obstacles in its path and deals high damage. Can only be fired after a short charge-up period.
Quality 4.png
Wikihover Montezuma's Revenge.png Montezuma's Revenge Oh no...!
  • While firing, Isaac charges up a short-ranged Wikihover Brimstone.png Brimstone -like diarrhea beam that shoots behind him.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Aquarius.png Aquarius Trail of tears
  • A trail of blue creep is left behind Isaac, which damages enemies.
    • The creep inherits most of Isaac's tear effects, like homing, etc.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Whoopcough.png Uncommon Cough I-I-I'm fINE!!
  • Replaces tears with a spurt of tears.
  • 50% of these tears will not share any tear effects collected throughout the run, and each tear deals a modified amount of damage based on its size.
  • Spurts increase in quantity, speed and distance the longer you hold the fire button.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Morphine.png Morphine I can't feel anything! Quality 3.png
Wikihover Sugar!.png Sugar! I.. Need.. MORE!
  • Grants small increments of Fire Delay upgrades and Damage multipliers each time it is picked up.
  • -1 link = Heart Container.
  • The next three non-quest items you see have a 50% chance to become Sugar!.
Quality 1.png