Shop (Item Pool)

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Item Pool
Normal-Hard.png Normal / Hard Treasure.png Treasure Room Boss Room.png Boss Room Shop.png Shop Curse Room.png Curse Room Devil Room.png Devil Room Angel Room.png Angel Room Secret Room.png Secret Room Library Icon.png Library
Gold Chest Icon.png Golden Chest Red Chest Icon.png Red Chest Crane Game Icon.png Crane Game Rotten Beggar Icon.png Rotten Beggar Ultra Secret Icon.png Ultra Secret Room Planetarium Icon.png Planetarium Beggar Icon.png Beggar Baby Shop Icon.png Baby Shop
Wikihover Pill beggar.png Pill Beggar Wikihover Fruit beggar.png Fruit Beggar Observatory Icon.png Observatory Sugar Pill.png Sugar Pill Temporary Effect
Greed Mode Indicator.png Greed / Greedier Mode Indicator.pngGreedier Treasure.png Treasure Room Shop.png Shop Curse Room.png Curse Room Devil Room.png Devil Room Angel Room.png Angel Room Secret Room.png Secret Room

Some of Godmode's Items can be found in Shop.png Shops too!

Passive Items

Icon Name Description Weight Effect Quality
Wikihover Morphine.png Morphine I can't feel anything! 1.0/1.0 Quality 3.png
Wikihover Pairofcans.png
Pair of Cans I hear mommy! 1.0/1.0
  • Grants 4 orbital familiars at the start of each room that each block 1 projectile.
Quality 1.png
Wikihover Crown of gold.png Crown of Gold Money, money, money! 0.5/1.0
  • Midas Freeze an enemy in a new, uncleared room for 7.5 seconds.
  • +1.0 Luck for every 25 Penny.png Coins, up to +3.0 Luck at 99 Coins.
  • When damage is taken, money is lost:
5 * (DamageTaken) + RandomBetween(1,3)  
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Gold battery.png Gold Plated Battery Money = Charge 1.0/1.0
  • Hold the active item button to spend 5 Penny.png Coins on 1 charge of your active item.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Tampon.png Cloth on a String Seeping Bleeding 1.0/1.0
  • +5% damage dealt on an enemy for each other instance of the same enemy in the room.
  • +1% chance for any non-quest item to transform into Wikihover Golden tampon.png Cloth of Gold if it is not held by the same player.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover War banner.png War Banner Wrath = Power +5 Bombs 1.0/1.0
  • Placing a Bomb.pngBomb spawns a banner that grants a small stat upgrade while you stand in its radius.
  • Grants 5 Bombs on picking up.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Feather duster.png Feather Duster Cleaning Services 1.0/1.0 Quality 1.png
Wikihover Greedy glance.png Greedy Glance All the eye can see is yours 1.0/1.0
  • When your tears touch a Bomb.png Bomb, Key.png key or Penny.png Coin, collect the pickup.
  • When your tears touch an unlocked chest, open the chest.
Quality 2.png

Active Items

Icon Name Charges Description Weight Effect Quality
Wikihover Cooler.png Angry Apple Juice 2 rooms What'd I do? 1.0/1.0
  • Heals every player for Half Red Heart.png Half a Red heart.
  • Grants the user +20% +1.0 Damage for the room.
  • Brief pixilation effect occurs every other second for the duration of the room.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Protection.png Dad's Balloon time rooms 4 s It doesn't hold water very well 1.0/1.0
  • On use, does one of the following randomly:
    • Spawn a pool of Wikihover Holy Water.png Holy Water creep.
    • Fire a ring of 4, 8 or 16 tears.
Quality 1.png
Wikihover Fuzzydice.png Fuzzy Dice 2 rooms A collectible! 1.0/1.0 Quality 2.png
Wikihover Arcade stub.png Arcade Ticket 4 rooms Game time? 1.0/1.0
  • If an unentered Arcade Icon.png Arcade Room is on the stage, teleport to it.
  • Otherwise, if used in an arcade:
    • 90% chance to spawn a random pickup/collectible.
    • 10% chance to spawn a Red coin.png red coin.
  • If used outside of an arcade, spawns 1 Penny.png Penny.
Quality 1.png
Wikihover Portable confessional.png Portable Confessional 6 rooms Atone at home! 1.0/1.0
  • On use, hurts the player for Half Red Heart.png Half a Red Heart.
  • When an Angel Room.png Angel Room is entered, fully charges the item.
  • If used with Broken Heart.pngBroken Hearts in an Angel Room, removes 3 Broken Hearts and destroys the item.
  • If used in an Angel Room without Broken Hearts or outside of an Angel Room, spawns 1 SoulHeart.png Soul Heart.
Quality 3.png
Wikihover Black mushroom.png Black Mushroom Unlimited It smells sleepy 1.0/1.0 Quality 2.png
Wikihover Gold dice.png Cash Dice 4 rooms Reroll your options 1.0/1.0
  • Selects the nearest item or Shop.png shop item.
  • If it is a shop item, splits it into two new shop items.
  • If it is not a shop item, converts the item into a shop item for sale.
  • Can be used up to 5 times in 1 room.
Quality 2.png
Wikihover Trophy of power.png
Child's Trophy It's complicated 2 Floors Prove your strength to them 0.5/1.0
  • Activates a 600% Damage multiplier and +3 Tears when used for the duration of the room.
Quality 1.png